
If your API request is returning something other than what you expected and you believe there's an issue with the Reverb API, please take the following steps to first ensure that the problem is not in your code.

Download and install Postman

This free App will let you simulate requests to the API.

In Postman, set up the same request you're doing in your code

Set the endpoint, http method, and body/params.

  • Please make sure you set the Content-Type header to application/hal+json
  • Set the OAuth2 Authorization header to Bearer [yourtoken] if using OAuth
  • Ensure that you have Accept-Version: 3.0 header, or the latest API version that you plan to use.

Click on "Generate Code" and select cURL from the list

This will generate a curl request you can execute in your terminal. As a first step for debugging, try running the generated curl command in your terminal window. If this provides a different response than in your code, the bug is in your code.

If after doing the steps above you are seeing a consistently problematic response

Please email us at [email protected] for assistance with the full curl request including headers, and the full response.