HTTP Headers

We look at several headers to change the response of the api. Here are some of the common ones you may use:

HeaderRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
Content-TypeyesTells the server what kind of data you are sending it.None, application/hal+json is the recommended value
AcceptyesTells the server what kind of data you will accept back.None, application/hal+json is the recommended value here
Accept-VersionyesThe version of the API that you are requesting.1.0 .
3.0 is recommended as it is the current version of the API.
Accept-LanguagenoLocale value that tells the server which language you expect content to be returned in.en
X-Display-CurrencynoThe currency to show all price values.USD.

Valid values can be found at /api/currencies/display
X-Shipping-RegionnoShow only listings that ship to this regionNone, will show everything.

Valid valid values can be found at /api/shipping/regions .