Testing on Sandbox
Creating your Sandbox Account
You can create your Reverb Sandbox account here: https://sandbox.reverb.com/signup
The Sandbox is just like Reverb Production but will allow you to experiment with creation and deletion of listings without impacting your production listings. Please ensure your shop settings and profile are setup before getting started.
You can also create any number of additional Reverb sandbox accounts by using the UI (https://sandbox.reverb.com). You can do this to simulate buyers, etc.
Sandbox Endpoints
All the endpoints available in production are available in Sandbox. You can adapt all production endpoints by modifying the URL. For example, to edit a listing you would use sandbox.reverb.com/api/listings/[listing_id] instead of api.reverb.com/api/listings/[listing_id], as seen below:
curl -XPUT
-H "Content-Type: application/hal+json"
-H "Accept: application/hal+json"
-H "Accept-Version: 3.0"
-H "Authorization: Bearer [personal_token]"
--data "..."
The same applies to the rest of the endpoints.
Testing purchases and Payment Settings
You can default to Reverb Payments for your payment settings found in Shop Settings -> Policies.
For the bank account info, you can use any Account Name, 322271627 for the Routing Number, and any set of numbers for the Account Number. If Plaid asks for a verification code, you can use ABC.
For testing orders/purchases, you can create a separate Purchasing sandbox test account, and set up the credit card to purchase your own listings. These listings can be found through searching for the title. You will not be able to purchase your own listings within your sandbox test account.
You can edit your credit cards in Settings -> My Account -> Credit Cards. For the credit card number, you can use 4111 1111 1111 1111, 03/2030 for expiration, and 737 for the CVC, and 60657 for the zip code to buy any of your items for testing purposes. You can also access this in Shop Settings -> My Bill.
Once an item is purchased, you can mark the order paid/shipped as necessary.
Updated almost 2 years ago