Ship Orders

Valid Shipping Providers

How to GET a list of valid shipping providers:

curl -XGET 
-H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept-Version: 3.0" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer [personal_token]"

Mark an Order as Shipped

To mark your orders as shipped, you need to provide a tracking number.

With a valid shipping provider, you can mark an order as shipped by providing the shipping provider and the tracking code at the POST /my/orders/selling/[order_number]/ship endpoint.

Note: send_notification will send an email to the buyer that you have shipped the item.

curl -XPOST 
-H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept-Version: 3.0" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer [personal_token]"[order_number]/ship 
-d '{
  "provider": "USPS",
  "tracking_number": "12345678",
  "send_notification": true

Mark an Order as Picked Up

To mark an order as picked up:

curl -XPOST 
-H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept-Version: 3.0" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer [personal_token]"

Country Codes

To retrieve a list of country codes with corresponding subregions:

curl -XGET 
-H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept: application/hal+json" 
-H "Accept-Version: 3.0" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer [personal_token]"