1. Get Bump Info
The following shows how to GET bump info:
curl -XGET -H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" -H "Accept: application/hal+json" -H "Accept-Version: 3.0" -H "Authorization: Bearer [oauth_token]" https://api.reverb.com/api/listings/15191342/bump
"bump_v2_stats": {
"impressions": 15,
"number_sold": 0,
"cost": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "USD",
"symbol": "$"
"sales": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "USD",
"symbol": "$"
"current_bid": {
"display": "3.5%",
"bid_percentage": 0.035,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 3.5% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"budgets": [],
"bids": [
"display": "0.5%",
"bid_percentage": 0.005,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 0.5% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "1.0%",
"bid_percentage": 0.01,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 1.0% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "1.5%",
"bid_percentage": 0.015,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 1.5% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "2.0%",
"bid_percentage": 0.02,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 2.0% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "2.5%",
"bid_percentage": 0.025,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 2.5% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "3.0%",
"bid_percentage": 0.03,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 3.0% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"display": "3.5%",
"bid_percentage": 0.035,
"description": "When your item sells, you’ll pay a 3.5% fee on top of existing seller fees."
"deleted_bid": {
"display": "0%",
"bid_percentage": 0.0,
"description": "When your item sells, you won’t pay any additional fees on top of existing seller fees."
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://api.reverb.com/api/listings/15191342/bumps"
Notes about Bump Stats
=> will be omitted if the listing has never been bumped.sales
=> how many times this item has sold. An listing can be sold many times under the same bump budget if it has inventory.bid_percentage
=> the current total cost invested in bumping this listing. Bumps are only charged when the listing sells
2. Bump A Listing
The following will bump a listing:
curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" -H "Accept: application/hal+json" -H "Accept-Version: 3.0" -H "Authorization: Bearer [oauth_token]" https://api.reverb.com/api/bump/v2/bids -d '{"products":[15191342],"bid":0.035}'
The following will unbump a listing:
curl -XDELETE -H "Content-Type: application/hal+json" -H "Accept: application/hal+json" -H "Accept-Version: 3.0" -H "Authorization: Bearer [oauth_token]" https://api.reverb.com/api/bump/v2/bids -d '{"products":[15191342]}'
In order to know which budget plans are available for a particular listing, you may need to get bump info first.
A success response will simply be an empty body with status 200.
Updated over 4 years ago